Thursday, January 29, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009
Thought For Days
Instead of speaking too much and wasting your energy, become experienced in the sweetness of introversion.
First Change
There is no greater teacher than one's own practical example. To be really benevolent therefore means that I must first change, then I have the power, the knowledge and the experience of thinking and doing for the ultimate benefit of all.
Steady Light of Hope
No matter how dark the situation, let me always hold on to the steady light of hope.
Embrace Change
When you are aware and accept that everything around you is constantly changing, and that you have no control over 99.99% of it, you are able to embrace change like a close friend! Change is a like a river, constantly flowing and moving things around. The river of life is constantly bringing you ideas, people, situations – each one is an opportunity to be enriched or to enrich others, and to learn. Change is the play of the universe as it entertains us in the biggest light and sound show of all time. Why not sit back and enjoy the show!
Fill every thought with determination, every step with courage and every word with love.
To welcome an enemy is to take the opportunity to expand my heart.
Good Wishes
Giving good wishes to others acts like sunlight, filtering into the dark corners of their mind and lightening their burden.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Thought For Days
Move through life with lightness, touching the hearts of others without leaving a mark.
Humming Bird
No matter how bad people may seem, they possess at least one virtue. Be like the humming bird and pick out the sweetness of everyone's character.
Give Happiness
The happiness you give makes you more happy than the happiness you receive.
Patience and more patience enable a closed mind to gently unfurl.
A person of wisdom and spirituality has very beautiful manners that have grown from genuine respect and love for the whole of humanity. Manners in this sense have nothing to do with culture or education: it is simply a question of humility. When we are at the receiving end of such manners, we feel that some deeper part of us has been honoured. In fact, none of us deserves anything less.
A Benevolent Attitude
When you extend pure love to everyone with selfless motivation that is an attitude of kindness. When you send good wishes and pure feelings to those who are in deep sorrow, that is an attitude of mercy. When you see the virtues rather than the weaknesses in people that is an attitude of compassion. When you bless and uplift someone even as they defame you, that is an attitude of forgiveness. When you tolerate a situation and take responsibility as well as give cooperation even when not appreciated, that is an attitude of humility and self-respect. Every second, every moment and every breath of your life is nurtured by attitude.
My Favourites
Below are the list of things I like to do. It can be considered my favourites. I think so..
They are:
--> Watching movies and dramas
--> Reading books and comics
--> Eating
--> Sleeping
--> Surfing the internet
--> Blogging
--> Listening to music (especially when I am stress, the music will be loud)
--> Cooking, I think, sometimes when I have the mood
--> Reading at the bookstore (now, seldom have the chance)
--> Staying at home (I think can be considered as doing something)
...... ...... ...... ...... etc ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......
I like reading books. So that means I like buying books that I like. When I was studying in KL, I think I had spent most of my free time reading books and went to thee bookstore to read. I like going to KLCC. Kinokuniya... One of the reason is there are lots of books and got places to sit besides it is near to the place I stay. Most of my books were bought at there.

>>> Jodi Picoult
>>> Mitch Albom
>>> Dan Brown
The books that I have on the writers are as below:
- The Pact
- Keeping Faith
- Mercy
- The Sister's Keeper
- Nineteen Minutes
- The Five People You Meet in Heaven
- Tuesdays with Morrie
- For One More Day
- The Da Vinci Code
- Angel and Demon
- Digital Fortress
- Deception Point
Besides the english books, I also have the chinese books. Now I am trying to buy a book. I have tried to find it since I was in UK. Finally, have found it in one of the bookstore here. Hope that when I go there, the book still on the shelf. The Diary of Anne Frank...

Books... Books... Books... My favourite..
Friday, January 16, 2009
Lie To Me

…When you scratch your chin, wring your hands, wrinkle your nose, or swallow too much, DR. CAL LIGHTMAN knows you’re lying. He doesn’t just think so, he knows so, because he’s taken his exceptional skills of observation to become the foremost deception expert in the country. Being a human lie detector, Cal can uncover the deepest secrets and crack the hardest cases. More accurate than any polygraph test, he knows when those in front of him are being less than forthcoming, be they family, friends, or complete strangers.
Cal heads up a private agency contracted by the FBI, local police, law firms, corporations, and private individuals when they hit roadblocks in their searches for the truth. Joining him are a variety of experts in the field of behavioral evaluation: DR. GILLIAN FOSTER is a gifted psychologist and Cal’s professional partner, a woman whose guidance Cal needs, whether he knows it or not; WILL LOKER is Cal’s lead researcher, and he’s so aware of the human tendency to lie that he’s decided to uncomplicate matters and practice what he terms “radical honesty”: he says everything on his mind at all times. RIA TORRES, the newest member of the team, arrives at the truth differently by acting more on instinct and using her natural, less-studied ability to read body language and catch certain clues that Cal’s other pledges may miss.
Brian Grazer, David Nevins, and Samuel Baum serve as executive producers in conjunction with 20th Century Fox Television on this intriguing character drama based on the science of emotion. The show will tell stories that are not simply about the search for an elusive criminal, but also about the search for something even more difficult to pin down: fundamental human truth.
LIE TO ME probes how people can deceive themselves just as easily as they deceive others, and explores the idea that there’s nothing more revealing than when we choose to tell the truth and when we decide.
From a research, " Average person tells 3 lies per 10 minutes conversation."
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Watching this episode has made me think of many things. When I was watching some english drama especially from US, I will come across few episodes about the bullying that happen in school. The effect that result from bullying always is the scene of hurting themselves or other people. It is quite shock to find out this atmosphere is happenning in the schools of develping countries like US.
I was touched during the last scene and the song. The song is Fire Sign by David Berkeley. The following is the lyric.
Performed by: David Berkeley
Should have told me
Seemed like an ordinary day
Everything seemed to be okay
Did it hurt you
These are the scars you never show.
She is a fire sign you know.
One day you're near and then you go
Here is a looking glass what do you see
There is nothing there but me
There was a wishing well i jumped into
Nothing came true
They deceive you
There was a wall you had to find
The echoes in your mind
You'll surrender
These are the lessons that you learn
No body hears, no one's concerned
One days its clear and then you burn
Here is the wishing well i jumped into
Nothing came true
Here is a looking glass what do you see
Sorry it's just me
Even just a sound and all your cards are down
Even just a sound
Let me lie you down, don't have to make a sound
I would lie you down
It surrounds you
Sometimes it's easy to believe
Sometimes it hurts more then it seems
Now it's over
These are the scars you never show
There was a warning sign, you know
One day your near and then you go
One day your near and then you go
One day your near and then you go
I also upload the music video here. U can find this episode in youtube. Hope you like it and enjoy it.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Thought For Days
You have the power to tolerate anyone and any situation. But tolerance is not just suffering in silence. It means going beyond any personal discomfort you may feel, and giving a gift to whom ever you would tolerate. Give your time, attention, understanding, compassion, care - all are gifts, which paradoxically, you also receive in the process of giving. And, as you do, you will experience your own self esteem and inner strength grow. In this way you can turn tolerance into strength.
Inner Beauty
"Wow...that's beautiful!" Is either a cry or a thought when faced with the mountain sunset, a spectacular view or a well formed man or woman. But where is the beauty, where is the appreciation of beauty, where is the ability to discern beauty? It is within our own consciousness. For the essence of who and what we are is beauty itself. The essence of beauty is not found in the body, a face or a mountain - they only stir the essence of beauty within our own spirit. And that beauty is not only something we taste within ourselves, but it emerges in our character as virtue, and in our life as care. For what is virtue, but love in action. The next time you say, "That's beautiful!" know that you speak of yourself, and it is you who are beautiful. Always were, always will be.
Determination & Success
Your determination pulls success towards you, and your focus pushes obstacles away.
Love is a powerful force. It can take us to great heights and leave us feeling light and airy. Yet it has been the most abused and misused force. Many degraded things pass for love. True love is based on understanding, mutual trust and respect and not simply on transient emotions. Love is being in balance, that is, in harmony with the self, God and each other. Love dwells in the soul. We must allow this love to flow out and around us. Without love, all of life's treasures are locked away from our vision and experiences, for indeed 'love is the key.'
Staying Peaceful
Desires cause peace to disappear. You think that acquiring things will make you feel secure, but the reality is that the more you have the more fear there usually is of losing it, and the further you are from peace. Desires are the cause of all conflicts. When you want something and cannot get it you become frustrated. Learning to be free from desires is learning how to stay peaceful.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Thought For Days
Silence is not a lack of communication. There is a subtle language that connects us to one another through the eyes, with a smile, or a gesture. In moving into an inner space of silence, we are attuning ourselves to the spirit of nature and letting go of the tendency to be critical. Silence provides the opportunity for me to identify the qualities in myself that have the capacity to transform me. In silence I can connect to the highest quality of my lightest, clearest thinking. In silence I can listen to the call of God, the call of nature, the call of others in need.
Appreciate The Gift
When your open your eyes in the morning, sit for a moment and appreciate the gift of a new day, create a peaceful thought and enjoy some moments of silence throughout the whole day.
Expand My Heart
To welcome an enemy is to take the opportunity to expand my heart.
Within you is such beauty that it reveals the personality of God.
Great souls take advantage of every moment and every opportunity to give happiness to others through kindness in their thoughts; such souls are willing to overlook weaknesses and mistakes and have the desire to help everyone reach their potential.