Divine Help
Many times people report the feeling of divine help and strength when they come close to breaking point. Actually divine help is always there, but I am usually so busy doing things in my own little way that I only look for it when I face absolute defeat. The tranquil nature of enlightened souls comes from their ability to take God's help constantly. A state of true surrender will lead to the feeling of victory in everything I do.
Bring LightThere is some darkness in most human minds today, so there is a darkness component in most scenes and situations. Why else is there so much unhappiness and sorrow in the world? So how much value can be given to someone who is able to bring light and lightness to a place or a moment, where others have brought their dark? Like a crown of sparkling jewels, their presence and their words are priceless. It may only be a gentle smile of comfort, an attitude of genuine interest, some words which diffuse an awkward moment. Those who stay light in spirit while others weave their dark are both illuminated and illuminators. Watch out for such a moment today where you may illuminate. Make that moment momentous!
Create Vision
Never believe anyone who says we cannot change. Vision is one of the secrets of personal transformation. We are all artists, our mind is the arena of creation and vision is what we are constantly creating. What is your vision of yourself today – patient, relaxed, positive or tense, tight and negative? What do you prefer? So be creative – what does patience look like, feel like, what are you doing that is different when you are patient and you are expressing your power to …wait? Always start with vision not action. See it and you will be it. Be it and you will do it. We don’t ‘get a life’ as some would cynically tell us – we create our life.
Think No Evil."See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil."
Do not even think evil, because first you think of something, then you speak of it, then you see it.
Simplicity and Royalty
There's great beauty in simplicity. It's not plainness, however it is plain in the sense that words and actions are enacted with great royalty, full awareness and with so much significance. Simplicity takes us away from artificialities, it simply accepts and in that acceptance shows us grace and humility in every circumstance.
RichesThe greatest good we can do for others is not to share our riches with them, but to reveal to them their own.
Your Own TruthTo follow someone else's truth is a trap. The best strategy is to know your own truth, face it and live by it. Others may inspire, guide, give you directions, but ultimately you have to cut your own way through the jungle. You could always be asking others where North is, and they will tell you. Someone will say North is this way and someone else that North is that other way - and both would have been sincere. But you alone have to find your true North.
Hard To Forgive
Why is it hard to forgive others? Usually because we believe that they are 90% to blame for the problem, that I am not as bad as they are. So I start to carry the load of other people's actions. If my ego is too hurt, I will have the sense of correction, of justice: 'I know I am right', 'That is not fair'. But if I start to forgive from the heart, sincerely, I remain humble and this forgiveness will bring me closer to others. Then I do not carry regrets or anger, I just let go and remain light.
Patience is a reflection of the peaceful mind. My peaceful mind is able to cope with all situations without becoming disturbed and agitated. It calmly accepts the resolution of circumstances and, with this patience acquires the power to deal with all situations.
The Value of Enthusiasm
To be free from carelessness is to be constantly enthusiastic.
Carelessness has a tendency to spread from one person to another. When I see someone working carelessly, I need to remain strong within myself and pay close attention to my work. This will help me to move ahead with enthusiasm.
The Spiritual Aspect Of HealthcareSilence, happiness, love and blessings are important aspects. Happiness leads to good health. It is only you who can give this medicine to yourself. Some bring illness to themselves through anger, greed, unfullfilled desires, expectations, suppression of feelings and relationships not based on true love. Look in your heart, you will know where your illness comes from. There are three ingredients for a long and healthy life: live with attention but without worry; use time in a worthwhile way; keep your thoughts pure, positive and filled with strength.
Self Respect
To transform the ordinary into something special is to be truly fortunate.
When I respect myself and acknowledge the strengths and talents that make me unique, I connect with my inner self. I realise I have power within to make everything I do, even the most ordinary act - special. Then I become truly fortunate.
Complete EverythingA task left undone remains undone in two places - at the actual location of the task, and inside your head. Incomplete tasks in your head consume the energy of your attention as they gnaw at your conscience. They syphon off a little more of your personal power every time you delay. No need to be a perfectionist, that's debilitating in an imperfect world, but it's good to be a 'completionist'. If you start it, finish it...or forget it. Do it - or dump it!
The Rejuvenating Power Of Silence
Silence has to be love-filled. Love actually inspires and moves all things towards their original freedom and happiness.
The Secret Of Good HealthThe secret of good health is good nourishment and exercise. We need daily nourishing food and exercise to maintain a healthy body and it takes care and attentiom to fulfil this responsibility. Making the effort underlines our value and importance as a human being. However, the human spirit needs the same attention in the form of the thoughts we have and how the mind puts them to use. Feeding both body and mind with nourishing food gives a powerful and consistent message to respect and co-operate with one another. This is holistic good health.
Be Here Now
Treasure every moment that you have. And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time. Remember that time waits for no one. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery. Today is a gift... That's why it's called the present.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ullamcorper magna ac eros aliquet cursus. Maecenas nec nibh ipsum. Suspendisse sit amet quam id sapien mollis tempus. Mauris mollis nulla urna, id porttitor nibh. Vestibulum arcu eros, pretium id placerat quis, egestas non augue. Praesent quis tempus nisl. Sed auctor est dapibus nulla rutrum vitae cursus metus ornare. Nam vehicula, est vel ornare iaculis, nulla dui rutrum ante, in tempus augue neque vel ligula. Suspendisse dui risus, tempus et suscipit vitae, dictum et magna. Pellentesque in sollicitudin urna. Donec vel tortor metus, id consequat leo. Phasellus in neque eget quam ultricies elementum vel in diam. Donec turpis ligula, tristique quis adipiscing et, lobortis in augue.
Staying Focused
The one who keeps their destination in focus will be successful.
As we travel toward our destination, it’s easy to get distracted. We sometimes become so busy thinking about little things that affect our lives that we lose focus and stop moving forward.
First I need to clarify my goal, then think about how I’m going to work toward it. When situations arise to distract me I need to remind myself that they are only sideshows; they are not important. Instead, to find success, I need to keep my energies focused on my destination.
AbundanceAbundance is to see that there are endless possibilities before us. And at the same time, still see an incredibly rich existence right where we are. It is a feeling of gratitude for everything and everyone we have in our life.
The Power to AdjustOften when we have to adjust to a person or a situation, we experience many negative thoughts. We find it difficult and tend to feel we are making this adjustment only for the other person's benefit.
To adjust means to understand that nothing can be done to change a situation - it is more sensible to accept it. I adjust not because it will benefit others, but because I will benefit in the long run. This is like crossing a physical obstacle; I cannot remove it so I have to find a way around it if I am to progress.
The Virtue of Sweetness
Just as eating and serving something sweet makes your taste buds feel sweetness, and for a while after, you remain happy, become sweet-natured yourself so that words filled with sweetness are constantly spoken. Such sweet words make both you and others happy. Use this method to always sweeten everyone's mouth; constantly maintain sweet attitude, sweet words and sweet actions.
The Weak, The Brave And The StrongAnger is weakness,
tolerance is bravery.
Humility makes you strong.
Open MindThe mind is like a parachute - it works best when it is open. How quickly we make assumptions, jump to conclusions and close our mind. How easily we form and hold fast to our opinions and then close our mind. How fast do we make a judgement, slap on a label and then close our mind. A closed mind never knows the delight of playing with possibilities, being enlightened by others point of view or enjoying the diversity of human life. An open and understanding mind never assumes, doesn't jump to conclusions and won't hold fast to any opinion. Perhaps it is no wonder a closed mind is not a very relaxed mind.
BalanceThe indication of balance in life is a sense of well-being, optimism and a clear conscience. The foundation for achieving this is to look after myself spiritually - making my mind peaceful, loving and thoughtful at all times. Then I will instinctively know how much time to spend on my own well-being and how much on fulfilling other responsibilities. I can only give my best to others when I am myself at my best.
Determined ThoughtThe power of determined thought gives a lot of strength. Where there is determination there is definitely success.
Spotting Goodness
When I become excessively critical towards others, it means I am going in the wrong direction. We are usually very good at spotting mistakes, but we should develop the quality of also spotting goodness. If I can see what is good in others or in situations and go beyond the curtain of negativity, I feel good about myself. If I constantly think "he is wrong", I instead create a barrier which blocks me from reaching my own goodness. A very ancient law says: "just as I treat others, I shall be treated by others.
Touching HeartsMove through life with lightness, touching the hearts of others without leaving a mark.
KindnessGreat souls take advantage of every moment and every opportunity to give happiness to others through kindness in their thoughts; such souls are willing to overlook weaknesses and mistakes and have the desire to help everyone reach their potential.
Free MindA free mind is a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing. Most people spend much of their time looking for reasons to be offended. An open mind is never offended because it is free of any attachments. It is never the self that is offended but always the illusion that the self has of itself that is affected by insult! If you can really understand this, deeply grasp it's truth, live it each day, then pain will be no more. Next time you 'feel' offended look closely within yourself at yourself and ask yourself what was offended? If you remain aware you will see that it was only an image of yourself which you had become attached to, and that image did not resonate with the image contained in the insult. If you weren't attached, if you didn't identify with the wrong image of yourself then there would be no offence taken. You would then remain free and therefore happy.
InspirationsThe soul flies, the body plods. If you identify with your body, you will feel heavy. If you think you are a soul, you will feel light.
Subservience to my negativity is a very precarious existence as I can never be sure how well I will handle a difficult situation. With practice it is possible to create appreciative and compassionate thoughts; then I no longer need to indulge in resentment, bitterness or dislike. Training myself to react calmly and wisely offers enormous dividends. Let me talk to myself silently with love and encouragement, balanced with firmness, and like the wise old sovereigns of fairy stories, let me rule the inner kingdom of my mind with benevolence.
Getting on with it...Worrying about how everything will get done or whether I am capable of doing it limits my ability to respond to challenges considerably. The less I think about doing something and the faster I just get on with it, the fewer problems I cause myself. Good planning is always helpful, but time spent fretting and procrastinating is a major drain on my energy. The more willing I am to respond positively to opportunities, the more my capacity will grow.
Introversion - My Inner LandscapeThe ability to enjoy one's own company is one of the greatest gifts life has to offer. Learning to turn my thoughts away from all my responsibilities at the day's end and take my mind into a state of peace and benevolence enables me to carry greater and greater loads without feeling the burden. When my inner landscape is full of beautiful thoughts, everything I do is a pleasure. Gently, I calm down chaotic situations and offer solace to troubled minds.
Members of a Great Family
Values are related to each other as if they were members of a great family . From peace and happiness emerges inner joy. From this state of wholeness love awakens and with is the desire to share and give . Two of its relatives are tolerance and respect. All values have a shared origin which unites them - the peace of spirituality. When you lose peace you begin to lose everything.
Get Deep
Deep inside our consciousness is an oasis of peace. This is the molten core of the soul, but it is not hot, it is cool. Not passive, but a source of inner power to fuel our mind and intellect, so that we can create powerful thoughts and make accurate decisions. If you can learn to go to this centre, peace will be your companion, positivity your partner, and you will be able to chill out in one second, anywhere, anytime. Returning to the centre of your self is the journey of one second. It is the regular destination of clever souls. And it is the source of your power and peace.
This Theatre of LifeIgnorance makes you believe that life functions haphazardly. Wisdom teaches you that everything that happens in this theatre of life has profound significance. What you see today is not the fruit of chance but a fruit from seeds planted in the past. Plant seeds of peace now and you will create a life of peace in the future.
Knowing that all things move in cycles reminds us that what is uncomfortable now will soon change.
Manage EmotionsWhen the energy of our consciousness is out of our control - the mind is agitated. We are being emotional. The solution is to detach from the inner storms, stand back and observe the hurricane pass. Detached observation withdraws the energy which your emotions require to sustain themselves. When you watch your own anger, it dies. If you don't detach from it, and observe it ...it will be your master. Today is the day to practice positive, detached observation, and each emotion-filled moment is the opportunity. This is 'real' work. The work of one who is a master of their own consciousness. Are you a master or a slave?
UnderstandingMost people don't understand themselves or others. we need to make time for this. We get too impatient. Very often, because we are not willing to take this time, misunderstandings continue. We don't take time to listen to someone quietly and try to understand them. Then we start inventing things about them, because we simply haven't taken the time to understand.
True love
True love means creating an environment where others can grow. In relationships, we often expect things from those we get close to. These expectations can stifle the other person and also stop us from allowing the other person to develop in a way that is right for them.
The Beauty Within
You see behind the masks and beneath the fears to the beauty within every heart.
Cripple EffectWhat goes around comes around is not a new insight. It is something most of us intuitively know but easily forget, as we attempt to hold on to most things which come to us. What we don't realise is the ripple effect can easily become the cripple effect. Everything we think and do not only ripples out into the world, it also creates an impression on our own consciousness inside. If one day you decide to get really angry (very unrelaxing) at someone, then you create a memory of your irritation and carve a kind of scar or groove on your consciousness (non-physical of course). Within this scar or groove is a recording of the image of the person as you have decided to perceive them, and the energy of your anger surrounding that image. Remember, you put it there, not them. Two days later you see the same person and that triggers the image and the anger which you have already recorded within. The emotional turbulence inside your consciousness makes it very hard for you to remain positive, connect and communicate effectively, positively and harmoniously with them. In effect you are crippled and clouded by your own emotion. Most of us experience this, sometimes many times a day, but refuse to see that we cripple ourselves, preferring to blame the other person. Which is why we can stay crippled for a long time and not even realise it.
Heart of a Butterfly
"...the caterpillar has the heart of a butterfly!” It is true that if we know within our hearts what we want to become, then we will become that.
Any worthwhile realtionship is based on friendship. True friendship is a great blessing. Friendship creates respectful space; a space of encouragement to be one's self. Friendship creates a trust that nurtures self-esteem.
Trust When we think we can do things without other people's help, it means we have become arrogant or are unable to trust others. This lack of trust means we miss the chance to use others' potential for the benefit of the task in hand. We are deprived of a useful resource and will not achieve as much as we could by working together.
The Value of OpenessI need to keep my mind constantly open to learning in order to experience constant progress. When I have this attitude I learn from everything that happens. Then I will be able to improve in each and every task.
At Ease Every moment is precious. Let me fill myself with so much peace and stability that whoever comes in front of me at any time is at ease and uplifted. |
Lost and Found
Being lost in thought, thinking about things to do, what's been done, what could have been done... is not only tiring but also a brilliant way to waste energy. It diminishes your peacefulness and clouds your clarity. Every time you become lost in thought it means exactly that - you are lost! To find yourself, allow your mind to become quiet, to become utterly tranquil. In the quiet depths of every being, there is a stillness that contains a deep inner peace and wisdom that can guide you in your life.
Send Peace
The call of time is to send thoughts of peace and power to the world. Your thoughts travel, moving at a great speed and with considerable impact. Let the thought of peace sit in your mind, knowing that the vibes from your thoughts can radiate out and touch any person, any place.
The Cause of all Conflicts
Desires cause peace to disappear. You think that acquiring things will make you feel secure, but the reality is that the more you have the more fear there usually is of losing it, and the further you are from peace. Desires are the cause of all conflicts. When you want something and cannot get it you become frustrated. Learning to be free from desires is learning how to stay peaceful.
A Day of Simplicity
Peace is simplicity. Simplicity is beauty. Choose a day as your day of simplicity. Speak little, and listen with attention. Do something incognito and nice for a person you are close to. Eat simple and natural food. Create time periods for not doing anything - just walk, look around, live the moment. Have your mind open to a more profound and silent sensitivity. Appreciate each scene and each person as they are. In the evening, write down your discoveries. Observe the state of your mind.
Free of FearThe secret of happiness is to be free of fear. Fear is like a toxin that runs through much of our thinking. It feeds on insecurity, feeling of loss, loneliness, inadequacy and attachment. You are loveable and loving. Accept this as Truth. Appreciate and care for yourself - truly, deeply, intensely, in a way that reflects your real value. Then you will automatically have the same regards for all other living beings and things.
Help Yourself Unfortunately these two words tend to describe the generally selfish and materialistic culture in which most of us live. They result not in self-help but in dependency. Our education and our role models do not encourage us to help ourselves to grow, change and expand our capacities as human beings. Real self-help means recognising that no one else is responsible for our thoughts and feelings, and that we are only ever victims because we choose to be. Our destiny is always and only in our own hands - despite all apparent evidence which may indicate otherwise. Learning to help ourselves is also a prerequisite to extending a hand of assistance to others. We all need a leg up from time to time, but once there, we are always on our own.
Think BIGRise above little things. Be a big thinker. You are what you think. So just think big, believe big, act big, dream big, work big, give big, forgive big, laugh big, image big, love big, live big. Carry that list and you'll start feeling big. Be a believer and you'll be an achiever.
Take Time To Laugh Take time to laugh, it is the music of the soul. Take time to think, it is the source of power. Take time to read, it is the fountain of wisdom. Take time to love and be loved, it is a God-given privilege. Take time to work, it is the price of success. |
Fire of Anger
Imbibe the virtues of humility and patience and the fire of anger will become cool.Thoughts, Words and Deeds
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.
Non-violence is a very deep philosphy. Not only does it require me to harm no one physically, but also to avoid harming anyone's self respect. Such an ethic requires tremendous awareness and sensitivity. When I have learned to be gentle with myself, I can be the same with others.
Seeds Planted in the PastIgnorance makes you believe that life functions haphazardly. Wisdom teaches you that everything that happens in this theatre of life has profound significance. What you see today is not the fruit of chance but a fruit from seeds planted in the past. Plant seeds of peace now and you will create a life of peace in the future.
A Trickle in the Darkness
Contentment is like an underground river whose course just cannot be daunted. On the surface, people are stamping, pushing, pulling; the ground is cracking or left derelict but underneath the river is flowing, even if at some point it is only a trickle in the darkness.
FreedomThe true hero not only frees the self but has the capacity to free others from their dragons. Ultimately it is a state of being not action. Freedom can be called the state of purity, in which intentions and actions have become naturally benevolent.
Pratice Stopping
When you learn you drive, you have to practice stopping. In the same way, practice putting a stop to waste thoughts and you will be constantly happy.Am I Happy?
If there is any sadness I make a strong effort to be free of it quickly, otherwise it grows like a vine in the rainy season: by midday I will be confused; by evening a whole jungle of weak, wasteful and negative attitudes will have taken deep roots in my mind. The result equals chaos. Sometimes I reach a stage where the attitude is: "So what if I feel the blues today? It is my life; no one else will be affected". Firstly, the more I allow myself to experience sorrow, the less time I have available to be happy and contented. It sounds ridiculously obvious, but am I aware of the value of happiness? It is an extremely rare commodity, and the cost goes sky high. Secondly, is it my life? Yes, I am living it, but am I not a member of a family or a co-worker with others, and am I not part of society? If so, then every movement affects and is affected by those around me.
Compassionate Soul
A compassionate soul will travel great distances and scale high walls in order to understand another point of view.
The Secret to Being ContentTo be peaceful is to be free from expectations and to want nothing from anyone. Take the initiative and be generous. Lead the way and do something. This is the secret to being content in all circumstances.
DeterminationDetermination is an unbroken line, a backbone. Without determination life becomes scattered. Determination makes you sit up straight and love everything.
Self-ConfidenceSelf-confidence is to know your way around yourself so instinctively that you always have a strength to draw on. Somewhere inside, from the stillness, you always find something that can meet your need. Self-confidence runs much deeper than nerves.
Speech EconomyTo be economical with words gets things done more easily. When we say too much, people switch off and stop listening. When I think carefully about what I need to communicate, I can do it with fewer words. Other people then become more willing to listen.