Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thought For Days

Poverty is not being without money, but being without hope.

Original Peace
It is not neccessary to search for peace. It is within. Your original state is one of peace. External situations will pull you away from your peace. If, that is, you let them. Internal feelings can also pull you away. Tiredness, for example, leads to irritability. Learn to be in charge of yourself and maintain your peace: centre your awareness on your spiritual form - a tiny star-like point of light, seated in the middle of your forehead. Really experience the difference between You the Sparkling Star, and your body, the physical vehicle. Learn to detach yourself from the vehicle. Even a few moments of this practice, if done regularly, will return you to your natural state of peace. Tiredness will vanish. Irritability too. And your actions will be filled with love - for the self and others.

Heal Yourself
The deepest wounds we all carry are locked in our subconscious (out of our awareness). Deep memories and subtle impressions, from unfinished experience, rooted in the past. The pain from those wounds comes to revisit, to block and paralyse us in the moment called now. We all know it comes without warning - "Why am I feeling this way, I didn't mean to do that, I don't know what made me say that." Healing does not mean finding and treating every single inner scar which send it message to haunt us. It means going even deeper, past those wounds, beyond those distant memories and recording of unfinished business, to the core of our self, to the heart of our spirit, where we find the light and warmth of our own core qualities of love and peace. They are eternally present within us they are what we need to heal all our inner wounds. That's why this kind of deep healing is called spirituality and not therapy.

Remain Positive
If my mind is still enough, I can see the deeper meaning behind each situation. No matter how bad a problem may seem on the surface, if I remain positive eventually I will see how everything has worked out for the best.

Contentment is the king of all virtues. A contented man lives naturally peaceful life. Remain happy with what is available and at the same time keep trying for better.

Journey into the stillness of your inner being. Here, in the shade of your true self you will find true comfort and true support.

Look Inwards
We all have three eyes. Two for looking out and one for looking in. Why would we want to look in when everything is happening 'out there'? Because the treasure we seek is inside, not outside. What is treasure? Beauty, truth, peace, happiness. You already have what you seek. You already are stunningly beautiful. You are already peaceful and loving. How come you don't know this? Simple, you never look inwards, beyond superficial memories or recent experiences, so you never see your own riches. Take a moment to stop, look in and see. Don't rush. Don't search. Just look. And be aware.

Good Feelings
Good feelings for others are like ointments that heal wounds and re-establish friendships and relationships. Good feelings are generated in the mind, are transmitted through your attitude and are reflected in your eyes and smile. Smiling opens the heart and a glance can make miracles happen.

Let Go of Emotions
Emotions can feel uncontrollable - we have no choice but to experience them. But to live by our emotions is to live under a tyrant's rule. Acknowledge emotions for what they are, without shame or guilt, and then allow them to pass through you like wind moving through the leaves of a tree. Remember that it is only with your permission that feelings can change the way you behave.

Offer Up
Free yourself from forcing, expecting or wanting someone to receive what you think they should take - it could be your idea, opinion, or an opportunity you think they should accept - you can't make anyone take anything - your own experience probably confirms this. Offer humbly. Offer gently. Offer as if you are a master, and then let go, and retire like a shy child. When you can dance the dance between being master and child, you'll be surprised how much more others will accept what you have to say, and how much more they appreciate your offerings.

Seeing things truly
We tend to see things not as they are but as we are. Becoming quiet and simple inside is a first step to seeing things truly.


In tune with my inner rhythm, I draw wisdom from the past, allowing the future to shape itself around me. My mind is a sanctuary where shafts of golden sunlight laze as though resting in the aisles of some great cathedral. Everything is as it should be. I remain simple in the midst of complexity, sure at times of unease, and clear in the company of others.

When I learn to respect myself, other people will respect me. How can I develop respect for myself? By keeping my mind positive and encouraging myself to grow and change for the better. Demanding respect because of my position or background is simply arrogance. On the other hand, listening with humility and valuing other people's advise naturally earns me respect. I get back exactly what I give out.

Act of Kindness
No act of kindness is ever wasted.

A Peaceful Being
You fill your life with peace when you discover you only have to be yourself, to be what you have always been - a peaceful being.

Beautiful Manners
A person of wisdom and spirituality has very beautiful manners that have grown from genuine respect and love for the whole of humanity. Manners in this sense have nothing to do with culture or education: it is simply a question of humility. When we are at the receiving end of such manners, we feel that some deeper part of us has been honoured. In fact, none of us deserves anything less.

9-Oct-08 8:42 am

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