Monday, September 14, 2009

Thought For Days

Truly Content
Contentment is a great virtue, though it may not attract one's attention at first. Those who are truly content are usually quiet about it. It is a pleasure to be in their company, because they are full, peaceful, and generous.
Expand My Heart
To welcome an enemy is to take the opportunity to expand my heart.
Strength To Continue
Determination brings the strength to continue, the steadiness to succeed, and the wisdom to slip past difficulties undisturbed.
Accepting others unconditionally allows them to remove their masks and feel at ease with who they are. The security of being accepted gives them the freedom to be themselves and then lets them easily know and accept themselves too.
The Quality of Mercy
A person with the quality of mercy works on such a subtle level that the support given never demeans or implies weakness in the other person.
Motivate Yourself
It's a tough life. Some days its hard to get out of bed and get going. Why? How come our levels of enthusiasm seem to fall so easily? Why can't we get ourselves motivated? Simple really. We try to reverse the energy flow in a universe where all energy is radiating outwards. We try to break one of the spiritual laws. We are taught that winning and achieving is about getting and keeping, when the truth is that it is about giving. Winners are go givers not go-getters, and their definition of winning is not getting one over on the other guy, but overcoming their inertia and giving something of themselves to someone or something other than themselves. This reverses the flow of energy from outside in, to inside out, and as we all know, the deepest satisfaction in life comes from giving.
Filled With Treasures
All human beings have a place inside which is filled with treasures; be still and you will find it.
Be Creative
Every day is an opportunity to be creative - the canvas is your mind, the brushes and colours are your thoughts and feelings, the panorama is your story, the complete picture a work of art called, 'my life'. Be careful what you put on the canvas today - it matters.
Too Much Thinking
The biggest disease of the mind is over-thinking, especially too much thinking about others.Thinking too much is like eating too much. The heaviness makes it impossible to remain light and flexible.
Radiate Happiness
Have you ever noticed that happiness is not a dependency, it is a decision? You don't actually need anything to be happy. It's not something that comes from outside, it comes from inside, and when you radiate a happy energy you'll be amazed what it attracts into your life. Don't worry, be happy...sound familiar? Decide now, be happy, and watch magic begin to enter your life.
Thoughts, Words and Deeds
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.

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