Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thought For Days

The greatest good we can do for others is not to share our riches with them, but to reveal to them their own.

Love dissolves hate. Kindness melts cruelty. Compassion calms passion. Cooperation evokes love and when we bow, others bend. This creates harmony.

A rich person is not someone who has more, but someone who desires less.

Your Own Truth
To follow someone else's truth is a trap. The best strategy is to know your own truth, face it and live by it. Others may inspire, guide, give you directions, but ultimately you have to cut your own way through the jungle. You could always be asking others where North is, and they will tell you. Someone will say North is this way and someone else that North is that other way - and both would have been sincere. But you alone has to find your true North.

A Long And Healthy Life
There are three ingredients for a long and healthy life: live with attention but without worry, use time in a worthwhile way, keep your thoughts pure, positive and filled with strength.

No Task Too Difficult
If you do everything with the feeling of happiness, there will be no task too difficult to perform.

See Only Virtues and Specialities
An ant is tiny beside an elephant but as soon as an ant enters the ear of an elephant it goes crazy. The elephant’s ears are so big, the elephant itself is so big and yet a tiny ant makes it go wild. In the same way, if I allow the slightest defamation of anyone go through my ears, I lose all my spirituality. I lose all my value because I start interacting with others on the basis of what I have heard about them. Pay attention to this! We have to be very, very selective in what we allow to enter our ears. Let me learn to see only virtues and specialities. Let me not concentrate on anyone’s weaknesses.

30-Nov-08 7:59 pm

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