Last month, I started playing Country Story on Facebook (FB). It's quite a relaxing games since you just need to click on the seed, plant and water. Besides, you can also have a chance to feed animals. For me, I can become a farmer and having a land in FB.
In reality, my grandma's indon maid also have land for her to become a farmer. She grows many vegetables, pineapples and so on in my house areas. She even makes money by selling them to the people pass by my house. Th real ringgit malaysia notes.. Not the one I earn from FB. My indon maid also play Country Story. But hers one is real thing. Cannot compared to mine. Hers got raining days and sunny days. Mine only have sunny day on FB. Haha.. She gets the real money; I get the fake one. Cannot be touched one.
I no need take good care on the plants, but she needs to. What's a big different. Reality and FB. But, I rather become farmer in FB than in reality. As I no need work under the bright sun. I'm fairer as compared to her.. Haha...
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